We Buy Used Trains
We Buy Used Train Collections
We’re on the hunt for top-notch model trains and extensive collections, plain and simple. We’re into brands like Ace, Bachmann, Graham Farish, Hornby, Hornby Dublo, Lima, Peco, Tri-ang, Wrenn, and others. We’re not picky – we’ll take whatever you’ve got, whether it’s rolling stock, locomotives, coaches, carriages, or wagons, whether they’re still in their boxes or not. Your trains matter to us, no matter their condition.
We’re all about preserving the rich history and artistry of these miniature marvels. Each brand and model is like a little piece of history, and we want to give them a good home.
Your collection means something to us, whether it’s been kept in mint condition or it’s got a bit of wear and tear. We understand that these trains tell a story, and we want to be a part of it. So, if you’ve got model trains to part with, we’d love to take a look and make sure they find a new home with people who really appreciate them.